Server Setup and Maintenance Service

If you need a centralized computing power system for your business in Qatar, a server is an excellent solution. The two most popular server types are Windows and Linux based servers. Synergy Technology is an experienced IT solution provider with expertise in various server types. We offer Server Setup and Maintenance Service that covers server setup, repairs, upgrades, and installation services both on-site and in data centers throughout Qatar. Learn more

Server Setup and Maintenance Service

In today’s competitive digital business environment, a server is critical to ensuring efficient and reliable operations. Our team of highly capable technicians has the technical expertise required to configure and customize servers to meet the unique needs of our clients. We specialize in routine hardware deployment and software installations.

Regular network monitoring and maintenance are crucial to eliminate the risks of breakdowns, data loss, and downtime. At Synergy, we have the necessary expertise to provide comprehensive server solutions that meet the specific needs of businesses in Qatar.

 Our Server Setup and Maintenance Service include

  • RAID Configuration & OS Installation.
  • Active Directory installation, Policy and Authentication Configuration & User Migration.
  • File Server & File Security Setup.
  • Application Server Setup.

Our maintenance plan services include

  • Inspection of server log files, examining folder permissions
  • Monitoring network temperature applications
  • Ensuring adequate redundancy of systems
  • Installing software security patches
  • Assessing server logs for security alerts or sign of computer hacking attempts
  • Updating antivirus software on all computers in the network, updating critical service packs and software updates
  • Execution of regular comprehensive back-ups to ensure that vital data is retrievable from storage in the event of a system failure.

Synergy Technology Solution has a long track record of server installation in Qatar with a 100 percent satisfaction rate. Our server solution has aided the growth of both small and large businesses. We assist our customers in purchasing servers from major companies such as HP, Dell, and Microsoft.

Ensure your business stays up and running with our reliable server setup and maintenance service. Get prompt support, security updates, and peace of mind. Contact us today.